beginning like a seed

that struggles to push through soil into sunshine,

eventually emerging from darkness to learn that all life is spiritual and we are spiritual beings. 

Basic instincts were passed from ancestors, but cultivating truth and love develops our spiritual instincts.

This faith in a nutshell

Yes, evolution is true and easily provable.  Life’s purpose is to grow during lifetimes as well as evolve over generations, even as healthy growth is physical, mental, and spiritual.  Evolutionary growth begins at a basic level with primitive instincts that aid survival.  Wisdom along with spiritual instincts are gained when growing awareness is safeguarded with higher levels of love. Life naturally becomes more heavenly with higher levels of spirit.  Life evolves with healthy balanced growth as truth and love mature in tandem.

Yes, moral living is a wise plan for healthy bottom-up growth rather than a top-down directive from a god.  No, I do not believe in religious myths of heaven, hell, or the guy in the sky.

Living beings are both physical and spiritual, all made of basically the same stuff, but each uniquely proportioned and constantly changing.  Only a portion of the eternal physical world is alive and only a portion of the eternal spiritual world is alive.  The blended portion that is both physical and spiritual is life.  Life is the temporary blending of two eternal realms and the separation is death.

As physical beings, we are insignificant specks of space dust experiencing a fleeting flash in time, but we are spiritually enabled with awesome powers to create and destroy as we learn beauty and meaning for higher purpose.  Our awesome powers are capable of causing great change, but are minuscule in relation to the totality of spiritual energy within all life; the largest of living groups to which we belong and owe fidelity. 

Spirit is as natural as gravity and as mysterious as electricity.  Spirit is comparable to invisible television signals or radio waves that escape awareness until tuned-in with a physical device.  Unlike our tv or cellphone, living beings are like physical devices receiving and broadcasting spirit that is all around and within.  Life evolves from instinctual with some spirit to primarily spiritual beings with instincts.  Spirit is empowered with love.

Our third element of identity results from blending the other two.  The mind is a hybrid of body and soul within a physical/spiritual dichotomy.  Instinct and spirit drives reasoning and emotions from inside out and outside in. Inherited instincts descending from the physical side are assisted by spirit to guide balanced minds.  This blended duality is responsible for multiple truths as physical and spiritual answers may conflict sometimes.

Balanced Progress

We are just spiritual animals; some more spiritual, and some more animal.  Physical beings are often unaware that they are spiritual, particularly when preoccupied with growth and survival.  Growth does require basic survival;  however, life offers much more than basic survival.  Life feels more heavenly as capacity for contribution is enhanced by attaining higher spiritual levels.

Basic instinct drives primitive growth with limited awareness.  Expanding awareness brings intellectual growth with the overcoming of basic constraints. Driven by a blend of motives during growth, spiritual instincts gradually supersede basic instincts with love influencing purpose.  Increased awareness of the spiritual energy within all life drives higher levels of growth within constraints of lifecycles that may limit individuals, but drive spiritual purpose beyond individual goals.


Healthy growth seeks harmonious balances with higher levels of truth and love growing in tandem.

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